For Real Estate Sales Professionals

July 1, 2002 E-zine

Jim Gillespie's
From America's Premier Real Estate Coach (sm)
July 1, 2002
Publisher: Jim Gillespie


Doing what has you become the best real estate
agent in your territory definitely beats all
of your other options.


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1. The Future of Real Estate Training

2. You Get What You Focus On

3. Take a Look at These Products!

1. The Future of Real Estate Training

The face of real estate training is changing. Companies are
becoming less and less willing to spend money on training unless
they are certain that the training will produce concrete, bottom
line results in the form of additional gross commissions for the
company. And as a result companies are now demanding a level
of training for their agents that far exceeds the level that
traditional trainers have provided in the past.

In talking with corporate real estate executives all across
America one thing is certain--company profits in the real estate
brokerage arena are getting much thinner than ever before. And
one of the first areas that companies have started to cut back on
is the amount of money they are willing to spend on training for
their agents. So what this basically says is the following:

While companies may believe in the merits of training and would
like their agents to always be fully-trained and excellently
prepared, there remains serious doubt in the industry as to how
much conventional real estate training actually increases the
productivity of agents. And in my opinion this doubt is very

The old traditional form of real estate training is not very
effective. Period. And if you've ever attended a one or two-day
real estate training what you've experienced has probably been
something similar to the following:

The person leading the training was anywhere between
middle-of-the-road to outstanding in their presentation. And they
probably had some great, solid ideas and/or systems that could
help you to make more money in your real estate business. So
where's the problem? Right here...

You go back to the office, the phone starts ringing, you are
immersed once again in the frenetic pace of your real estate
business as you've come to know it...and you begin repeating all
of your old habits again completely on auto pilot. And the
trainer you spent 1-2 days listening to is off in another city
making the same exact presentation to a different group of real
estate agents.

You absolutely positively had the best of intentions to make
changes in your business based upon what you learned at the real
estate training, but you got completely swept-up by the ongoing
current of how you've always done your real estate business in
the past. You've become reactive instead of proactive, and 30,
60, and 90 days after the training has ended your day-to-day
routine in your business has pretty much remained the same.

The old traditional form of real estate training where the hired
expert comes in, talks, and then disappears is horrendously
ineffective. Agents need live follow-up with a human being on a
regular basis to ensure that they are on track and making the
changes that will cause a profound shift in their level of
productivity. And in reality most sales managers are so busy
taking care of all of their other job responsibilities that they
simply don't have the time necessary to individually work with
each and every agent in their office to help them to maximize
their productivity.

Recently I was speaking in front of an audience of real estate
agents from the United States and Canada. I was curious as to
their thoughts and feelings about the quality of training they
were receiving from their companies. So I asked them, "How many
of you feel that the training you are receiving from your company
is making a difference in the amount of money that you earn?" And
by a show of raised hands only 5-10% of the agents in attendance
felt that the training their company was providing them was
making a difference.

So it appears that both companies and agents have serious doubts
about the value of traditional real estate training.

Companies would see much better results with their agents if
instead of hosting a one-day eight-hour training they had an
expert lead an eight-lesson series of one-hour teleseminars on
the phone. This allows for feedback and questions from the agents
as they try to implement these new changes into their business.
They may not get it right during the first, second, or third
weeks, but they have a much better chance of getting it right
when working with someone teaching them how to do it over an
eight-week period. This is a much more effective way of creating
great, positive change in an agent's productivity.

Real estate agents, like everyone else, are creatures of habit.
You're not going to get an agent to change his or her habits with
one or two days of training with no follow-up. Most all agents
will revert to their old habits under this form of training.

One-on-one coaching, teleseminars, and Web based trainings
with direct follow-up are the wave of the future in real estate
training. Hired speakers who talk to agents for one or two days
without direct, live follow-up in the weeks following the
training are poised to soon follow a path similar to that of
the vinyl record at the advent of compact disc technology.

2. You Get What You Focus On

Whatever you focus your attention on in your real estate career
is what you will achieve. I once heard Tony Robbins tell a story
about auto racing that has definite parallels to what can happen
to you in your own real estate career. As Tony told the story he
referred back to the time when he was learning how to drive a
high-performance race car for the very first time.

Tony was racing around the track with his instructor sitting next
to him and whenever the car would start to skid while going
through the turns Tony would find himself looking towards the
wall that the car was moving towards. Tony's instructor then said
the following to him:

"When you're driving at high speed and your car starts to skid
towards the wall the last thing you want to do is look at the
wall. If you look at the wall you will end-up in the wall. You
need to keep your attention focused on where you want the car
to go instead."

This quote has many parallels to both the real estate business
and to life itself. You see, at any given moment you have the
ability to focus your attention and energy on whatever you want
to in your real estate business. And those agents who continually
produce the best results constantly focus their attention on the
things that get them excited and empower them to achieve
greatness in their business.

Now stay with me for a moment and let's do an experiment

First, focus on everything bad that's been happening in your
life. Focus on the difficulties, the hardship, the pain, and the
struggle that this has all caused you. And now focus on how
REALLY bad all of this makes you feel.

OK, now get out of that state!

Now instead focus on everything that's great about your life
right now. Feel the excitement that you feel about everything
you'll make happen in your future if you simply apply yourself
and summon forth all that you are truly capable of and give your
best. And now imagine what your life will be like as all of
those great things are now materializing in reality for you.

Now notice the two different states that you just experienced.
What were the differences? And how productive do you think you
would be in the first state vs. the second one? And since the
true condition of your own life was exactly the same during the
time that you were experiencing each of these two states, which
of the two states really represented the reality of how your life
is now?

Someone who has been one of my greatest teachers is Dr. Tad
James. To both me and many others he is by far the greatest
trainer of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) in the world. I have
spent many, many hours with him and consider myself fortunate to
be one of his students. On one occasion Tad told me that he had
spent some time with the great spiritual leader and philosopher
Swami Muktananda before the Swami's death in 1982. Tad, being the
curious student of life that he always is, had a question that he
wanted the Swami's philosophical opinion on. So he asked the
Swami the following question:

"Do you believe that each and every one of us are in complete
control of our own destiny?"

And the Swami responded with:

"I do not know if that is true. But I do know this.......People's
lives seem to work much better when they act as if they believe
it to be true."

In applying this to real estate so much of our "reality" in real
estate sales is whatever we make it. At any moment in time you
now have the choice to be in any mental and emotional state you
want to be in--regardless of what you observe going on in your
life and in your business. If what you desire is to be the best,
most productive agent that you can be make sure you choose to be
in the mental and emotional states that will pave the way to make
this happen.

3. Take a Look at These Products!

My good friend Howard Berger has made a career out of keeping up
with where technology is headed in the real estate business. And
if you're in the market for a cell phone that's also a personal
data assistant with Internet access capabilities, Howard recently
gave me a hands-on demonstration of two different products that
he highly recommends:

1. The Nokia 9290

This product has wireless phone, fax, E-mail, and Internet
capabilities as well as the ability to schedule appointments and
open and edit attached E-mail files. You can also utilize it to
give PowerPoint presentations, and the screen on this baby is
full color, too! Typing on the keyboard has been made much easier
as the phone flips open to display a very respectably-sized
keyboard for a product of this type. The product lists for
$799.00 but you can purchase it direct from Nokia for $599.00.

The Kyocera QCP 6035

This product is a wireless phone, personal data assistant, and
palm computer with direct Internet access. It also serves as a
digital recorder for you to record your thoughts into for future
follow-up. The product lists for $149.95 but Howard tells me
that he's seen rebate offers that effectively knock the price
down to about $79.95 after the rebate.

As always please make sure that these products are compatible
with your wireless service provider before you buy one!


Your subscription to my E-zine entitles you to
receive FREE online training. My training course
is designed to take you to the next level in your
real estate sales career regardless of where you
are currently at in your career right now. To
receive my FREE 7-Day Online Real Estate Training
Course, click on the link below and send a blank

AOL users send a blank E-mail to the following E-mail

You will receive your first of seven lessons by E-mail
within minutes. You will then receive six additional
lessons, one per day, for a total of seven lessons
in seven days.


If you feel that one-on-one real estate coaching is
something that could definitely take YOUR real
estate business to the next level, send me an
E-mail or give me a call at (909) 694-6655.

Here's what one of my clients has to say
about my one-on-one coaching program:

"Within 7 weeks after beginning my work
with Jim I landed new business worth
over $500,000.00 in commissions to me!"

Mike Giuliano
Lee & Associates


Visit my Web site at:
There you'll find many articles and previous issues
of my E-zine to assist you in taking your real
estate sales career to the next level.


If you arrange for me to lead a real estate training or
seminar for your company, you qualify for FREE coaching!
Call or E-mail me for more information.


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Jim Gillespie
Advanced Real Estate Sales Coaching
41890 Enterprise Circle South
Suite 135
Temecula, CA 92590
(909) 694-6655


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